"根拠地−粟津邸ではじまる" 2023 Awazu residency, Japan
グラフィックデザイナー粟津潔(1929-2009)の自宅兼アトリエで初めて開催された展覧会。特別展示としてメキシコ南部オアハカ市における版画運動から、アートコレクティブSubterráneos(スブテラネオス)による木版画「メキシコの黒人ディアスポラシリーズ」より(2021)を茶室に展示。会期中に清水チナツ氏( インディペンデント・キュレーター/PUMPQUAKES)と、町村悠香氏( 町田市立国際版画美術館学芸員)をお招きしたシンポジウム「根拠地であつまる」を開催。企画は粟津ケン、吉國元。
上段 撮影:松本鋭彦
中段 撮影:小池りか
Group Exhibition "Ordinary than Paradise, As if Nothing Happened" 2021 3331 ArtsChiyoda AKIBATAMABI21, Japan
This was an opportunity to show the series "Arrival" (2018-2021) as a whole.
Curated by Saki Kitamura. Participated Artists: Saki Kitamura, Eri Ishihara, Yuki Akaba, Yukiko Nakano, Moto Yoshikuni
A talk event was held during the exhibition with the guest, Hiroki Yamamoto. Article on ARTIT
Works by Yuki Akaba on left side.
来者たち-Arrival 2020 NANAWATA, Japan
The exhibition gathers together works focused on memories of Africa, Zimbabwe, and recent experiences in Tokyo, Japan.
A talk event entitled “Reasons why I continue to paint Africa” was held during the exhibition with Setagaya Art Museum curator, Miki Tsukada.
Details of the talk event are available here in Japanese.
Photos by Natsumi Hisamitsu
African Urban Experiences In "Post" Colonial Zimbabwe A Story in Harare after 1981, 2018 OGUMAG gallery, Japan
My first solo exhibition focuses on experiences in Africa, Zimbabwe. A talk event entitled “To Portray the African Figure” was held during the exhibition with Art Historian, Christine Eyene.
Photos by Haruyuki Shirai